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Better on the reread

— feeling amazing
Nowhere Ranch - Heidi Cullinan

4.25 ⭐️


Wow this one was one I have been meaning to revisit for some time, as my tastes towards BDSM in books have changed over the years. I’m so glad I did because this one was so much better than I remembered. 

Travis and Roe are some kinky boys. I love that Travis is unapologetically kinky and that Roe works his issues out throughout the book to accept his kink and to accept friends and be able to make a home. 

I love the side characters, Haley is a treasure. So nice to see a strong female without her being a Bitchie character. Roe’s family while the villains grew and evolved throughout the book. 

I now look forward to reading this one again at a later date.