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Brandon Mills versus the V-Card

Brandon Mills versus the V-Card - Lisa Henry, J.A. Rock I enjoyed this one more than the first
I like Brandon in the first story and was glad he got his own story. I was happy to see he had found his place in a Frat. Alex was a cutie. Both guys are shy and at times awkward, but that is why they worked together. I really liked that Brandon’s issues weren’t swept under the carpet and were worked on slowly. This made for a lot of only cuddles and kisses, but that fit with the characters and didn’t bother me. The resolution with Brandon’s dad was done well, with both characters not communicating well previously, it was finally brought out into the open and healing can start.
I had a lot of laugh out loud moments in this book, but must be honest that Mark annoyed me in this one. He was obnoxious most of the time and took over a lot of scenes between Brandon and Alex. I love Blake he is hilarious in his obliviousness. I really want to know the deal with Jackson as I just can’t get a handle on him.
Looking forward to the rest of the series.