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Enjoyed it

His Consort - Mary Calmes

3.5 ⭐️ 


When this one came out, I saw a lot of my friends didn’t like this one, and I’m laughing at myself now because I knew I was going to go against the grain. I think it was because I gave it time and wasn’t expecting too much. Yes it reminds me of A change of heart at times, but you know what, I loved A change of heart series, so I didn’t mind. 


I liked Jason and how he was portrayed. He didn’t allow them to walk all over him, but at the same time he gave in sometimes a little bit easily for me, I was glad we got to at least see his thought processes. 


I liked the side characters and felt like i knew them all, Hadrian and Tiago were standouts as well as Ode and her family. I didn’t get the same feeling of knowing him with Varic. I felt like he was just there not as well rounded out as the others. I also got a little confused between the types of vampyrs. The made and born aspect was confusing and I couldn’t keep a track of who was who.


I enjoyed the setting of New Orleans, it is a place I have always wanted to go to and that hasn’t changed after reading this one. I hope we can see some more from this world as I would like to see how Jason goes when he is presented at court.